POW! from niclas karlsson on Vimeo.
måndag 20 december 2010
Pow edit
The reason why we went to Tandådalen was to get some jumping done. Instead we got really shitty weather and a lot of snow. Me and Daniel had the time of our life shredding pow though. Here is a little edit. Don´t hate on the editing, this is the second edit I have done in my life.
lördag 18 december 2010
onsdag 15 december 2010
Hey. Now Im in Tandådalen after a busy week of handrails in Sthlm. I was trying to get some handrail shots with the WinterProject crew. Was a bit hard to start with handrails after a 6 months break. But I hope that I got something on tape. It was really fun to ski again though.
fredag 29 oktober 2010
Here´s Adam Falk and Nicke Jacobssons WinterProject movie. It´s really good and I got a few shots in it. Really stoked. Enjoy!
Im on the buss to Gothenburg right now for the Secondhands- Second Best Friensds premiere. Its gonna be a weekend filled with party and fun. Super stoked to see all the faces that I haven´t seen since springtime, and exited to see how my part in the movie turns out. After the weekend I´m going back to Oslo for one last month of work before the season begins.
måndag 20 september 2010
Secondhands Trailer!
The Second Best Friends Trailer from Secondhands on Vimeo.
Long time since last update. Im in Oslo right now working my as off as a pizza delivery boy so I can ski all winter. Living in a very small apartment, eating, sleeping and working. Will see when I have something fun to post in the blog again.
tisdag 25 maj 2010
Just got home from NM. Got 23rd place. Here is a little video.
Salomon NM 2010 [Blind Spot Visuals] from Blind Spot Visuals on Vimeo.
måndag 10 maj 2010
söndag 9 maj 2010
onsdag 5 maj 2010
tisdag 4 maj 2010
2H SHoot
Yo! 2h shoot in Tandådalen is up. Waiting on the better weather to come, right now its snowing like hell. But here comes an edit from yesterday.
söndag 18 april 2010
Hey. I stayed a couple of days in Kläppen after the Salomon team shoot. Made a little edit of my friends one day. I suck at editing and filming but here it is:
KLäppen edit. from niclas karlsson on Vimeo.
Then I went to Gesunda over the weekend for a Secondhands shoot on a big kicker. It was a fun weekend and we got some really nice shots. Here is a picture of the jump.

Im in Funäsdalen right now and Im gonna be here for two weeks. Its gonna be crazy!
onsdag 7 april 2010
onsdag 31 mars 2010
New banner!
Heeey! Im in Tandådalen right now. This weekend the competition Secondhands Golden Air went off here. I was invited to compete but since I sprained my ankle last week I couldn´t ride very well. Instead I watched the other guys slay the jump and the corner. Lasse Nyhaugen from Norway won the comp. He slayed all day and finished the comp with a sick dub cork 1260.
I have been here since the weekend. We are some guys from the SecondHands crew who are supposed to film for their new movie but the weather isn´t on our side so we haven´t got anything done yet. Tonight we are having a night shoot on the Golden Air kicker, will see if my foot is strong enough to shred. If not I hope that the other guys will get some sick shoots.
I got a new banner for my blog today. Simon Hastegård is the man behind the crazy photo, and he is also the guy who put my sponsor logos in there. Visit his homepage at www.shaphoto.se and check out his stuff.
fredag 19 mars 2010
måndag 1 mars 2010
One lap in breck!
Im home from Norway now. Gonna be home for a couple of days and just chill. Then Im heading to Funäsdalen for Piststilen qualification I think, haven´t decided yet.
Found a clip on my computer. Its a run trough Brecks park with my contour helmet cam.
One lap in breck! from niclas karlsson on Vimeo.
fredag 26 februari 2010
Earlier this winter I was shredding handrails with Salomon. Here is a edit that Rob, Jocke and Ulrik put together from our session. CHek it out!
måndag 22 februari 2010
Yo. Im in Norway right now. Coaching the kids in Norwegian Jib Academy. Its four stops in different ski resorts around Norway. We are done with the first stop in Oppdal. And tomorrow we are going to Drammen to seek for new talents.
Rob on Salomon made a little edit from a handrail in Sthlm. Here it is!
onsdag 17 februari 2010
måndag 15 februari 2010
Yo. I am in finland right now, have been here for a couple of days. Filming handrails with the secondhands crew. We have got some shots but have a lot more to do before we go home. Here is two funny edits about how we got here.
lördag 30 januari 2010
New trick!
Learned a new trick yesterday. This was my first try. Check it out!
Sw dub 10 from niclas karlsson on Vimeo.
torsdag 21 januari 2010
söndag 17 januari 2010
From Breck to Silverthorne
So yesterday I took the day off and went to Silverthorne for some shopping. The others went to Keystone for some serious shredding.
I filmed some shots on the way and made an little edit. Not that interesting maybe, but I see it like a test, it was the first time I made an edit in Final Cut.
Soon I will drop an edit with some skiing.
fredag 15 januari 2010
Today I got beat up by my own knee! Landed short at a jump at Breck, and the result can you see here:

Tomorrow we are gonna go crazy at Keystone, Breck is way too crowded at the weekends. In a near future I will drop a new edit, hopefully more jumping and not so many rail shots as in the latest edit.
tisdag 12 januari 2010
måndag 4 januari 2010

Yo! Today I got a new camera! Stoked! Its a contour hd cam, its a helmet cam but I think you can do awesome edits with it anyway!
Ive just packed almost everything I own in two bags. Because at 7 am tomorrow a got to catch a plane to Colorado. Im gonna be there for one month and shred Keystone and Breckenridge everyday!! Its gonna be sick as hell!
fredag 1 januari 2010
First blogpost! Sick!
This is my first blogpost on my new crazy blog. In this blog you will be able to see what Im doing during the winter. It will be updates from competitions, photo/film shoots etc. Im not going to write long boring texts, instead I will post photos, edits and other crazy stuff.
Here is some shots from my local hill. Nothing special or extreme or whatever. But its at least something to watch.
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