We also got some serious skiing done there. Check it out!
söndag 11 december 2011
Hey. This weekend I was in Säfsen for the premiere of Antes movie "while we can". The movie was just so dope. You better check it out when it drops!
lördag 3 december 2011
While we can!
Here is the trailer for Andreas Olofssons new movie, While we can. I have a few shots in it. The trailer looks sick and I looking forward to see the whole movie. So make sure to keep your eyes open dont miss when the movie drops!
While We Can - Official Trailer from Imaginary Trace on Vimeo.
torsdag 1 december 2011
Not much have happened at all during November. Such a boring month. Thats why I haven´t posted something here. I went down to Göteborg one weekend for the Secondhands premiere. It was really fun, I got to see a lot of friends again and maybe one or two beers too much. After that, the comp King of Style were held here in Sthlm as usually. I did the qualification round but didn´t got through to the finals. I landed a flat 9 safety and a sw 10 mute, but that was not enough. The level is so high right now with all the dubs, triples and stuff. But it was a crazy fun weekend!
The plan for me was to spend these last weeks before christmas up in Sälen. But after only rain and really shitty weather up there I decided to go home for a couple of days. The weather forecast predicts better and colder weather up there this weekend and forward so I think I will go up there next wednesday.
When I got home yesterday a package was waiting for me from New Era. Maad stoked on these crazy good looking snapbacks! Thank you John!
Pretty boring blogpost I suppose. But when I find some snow I gonna give you some fun stuff to watch.
fredag 11 november 2011
måndag 7 november 2011
onsdag 2 november 2011
So finally we got home after some problems in Germany. The police in Munich didnt liked us at all. First we got stopped by them on the way down and they wanted to search our bags for drugs and stuff. Then on the way home at Munich train station we got stopped again and we needed to follow them to the police office. At the office they searched our bags really carefully and we was forced in to the prison cells where we needed to take all our clothes off. It was a bit scary to stand naked in a really sketchy prison cell in front of a german policeman. Off course we didnt had any drugs or weapons in our luggage so we could leave for the airport. But at the airport some other cops wanted to search us again. Really annoying, I can say that I was really happy to leave Germany.
söndag 30 oktober 2011
onsdag 26 oktober 2011
måndag 24 oktober 2011
Hey. Have been skiing for three days now and the weather have been awesome, bluebird and really warm. The park is super fun, a bit icy though. The two first days was just about to get the feeling for skiing back, was a bit hard to ski after a five months break. Today i did some nines and stuff, so it feels a lot better!
Here is some pics!
Beautiful girls hanging out at the bar;)
torsdag 20 oktober 2011
torsdag 4 augusti 2011
Summer update!
Here is a little update about what I have been up to. I am still working a lot, but one weekend I met up whit the Salomon crew and went wakeboarding. Check out the video.
Some photos from the weekend: http://www.freeride.se/content/5735/
onsdag 13 juli 2011
Episode 4!
Not much happening right now. Just working and trying to enjoy the summer. The 4th Secondhands episode dropped a couple of days ago. Here it is, enjoy!
lördag 7 maj 2011
End of season!
Im back home in Sthlm right now. The ski season is over, sad! Now the real life begins with work and stuff. Looking forward to the summer though. Hanging out with friends, bathing, drinking beer and just enjoy life. Hopefully I can go to Norway for some summer skiing:)
Here is an pic from our last shoot in T-walley. I stole it from JeppeMoen.

I also got over this video from earlier this season.
måndag 2 maj 2011
onsdag 27 april 2011
tisdag 26 april 2011
Looong time!!
I have been a really bad blogger lately. After Clash Of Nations I went up to Åre again. Just been shredding with my buddies and got some epic shred shots. Went to an comp in Storlien as well, didnt went that well though but it was fun. After that the comp "Kung Af Skutan" begun. It was super fun and crazy, the edit from that comp will drop soon. Stay tuned. Right now Im in Lindvallen at the Secondhands shoot. Gonna give you some pics so you dont get bored by just reading. Im also gonna give you the brand new Secondhands episode.

tisdag 5 april 2011
söndag 27 mars 2011
tisdag 22 mars 2011
Hey. Im back in Åre now. Trying to get some training done before ClashOfNations. But its hard when the weather sucks really bad as always up here. If the weather is gonna be a bitch trough the weekend I think Im going down to Kläppen again before the comp.
Snowstorm outside my window. Depressing!
fredag 18 mars 2011
måndag 14 mars 2011
lördag 12 mars 2011
torsdag 10 mars 2011
Untitled from niclas karlsson on Vimeo.
Im in Sälen right now, playing skate with Hampus. In this video he show you guys how to do an perfect shuffle.
söndag 6 mars 2011
Long time!
Long time since I posted something here. I think the only reason why is because I have been lazy. The past weeks I have been chilling a lot up here in Åre, and done some urbans down in Stockholm. In a few days Im going to Stranda in Norway to do some pow turns with the 2H crew. Should be really fun!
Here is one more edit from the US. Made by Tom-Oliver. Check it out!
måndag 21 februari 2011
lördag 12 februari 2011
Pow edit!
Here is an edit that my friend made from yesterday. Sunshine and pow, so nice!!
POW POW In Åre from Jonathan Selinder on Vimeo.
onsdag 9 februari 2011
lördag 5 februari 2011
måndag 31 januari 2011
lördag 29 januari 2011
One day in Breck from TomTube on Vimeo.
Here is an video that Tom made. Its just some B-shots from the park. This past days have been so good, really warm and sunny. Got a bunch of shots, but dont know what to do with them yet, we will see.
tisdag 25 januari 2011
fredag 21 januari 2011
torsdag 20 januari 2011
onsdag 19 januari 2011
tisdag 18 januari 2011
Pow, trailer and stuff!
Today I had the best pow day that I have ever had. Me and Tom boosted some sick cliffs at A-Basin. Got some shots with my contour cam so tomorrow will we drop an A-Basin edit.
Im done with an edit from park lane in Breck, but I need to wait a little bit before I can release it. So have patience guys.
Here is a trailer that Tom have done. Its pretty sick.
Tomtube America TRAILER from TomTube on Vimeo.
söndag 16 januari 2011
FDP Random Stuff from Kristoffer Edwall on Vimeo.
Edit made by Piffen from our journey to Breck. Soon my friends, the edit will be dropping.
onsdag 12 januari 2011
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